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  • 什麼是生物共振療法 – BRT?
    生物共振療法是一個無創療法,溫和無痛且安全,適合任何人士,包括嬰兒、 幼童及高敏人士。 它根據人體生物物理學 -而非生物化學藥物- 替人體器官進行修復,與西醫治療沒有抵觸。 事實上,此療法可減輕西藥的副作用,提高康復速度,以及加強治療效果。 連平常服用的中、西藥也可因此減少。 ​ 生物共振療法對幾乎所有的病症都具功效, 能處理慢性及退化性疾病的根本致病原因,平衡身體功能,客人身體因此能處理慢性及退化類病症。其他在細胞水平,及在任何特定器官,身體任何系統發揮作用,亦能在精神層面受益。 ​ 所有物質均不停發出獨有的振盪能量;人體每個器官及細胞都有獨特的生物波頻,如音叉跟隨指定的聲波頻譜振盪。 這過程在器官細胞組織或系統內產生一個波頻電磁場,發出獨特的多頻振盪模式。 ​ 一般正常生理狀況中,人體具有相對同步及互動的振盪波頻。 當器官功能出現問題,那些振盪波頻會受到干擾,基本生理頻率隨之被破壞,疾病就因此開始。 舉例說,一個人長期處於興奮或不穩定的狀態(病理應激),其中央神經系統會受到干擾,於核心/子核心的互動就隨之產生改變。 ​ 生物共振療法協助人體排除毒素及壓力負荷,從而修復身體各器官的調功能,增強身體自愈力。 此療程能有效舒緩客人因環境壓力而產生的不適,包括一般痛症、疲倦乏力、消化系統失調、便秘、皮膚斑瑕、或整體不適感等,其功效顯著,廣為人知。 ​ 為何生活質素 提高,科技日益進步,人們卻仍然備受疾病困擾,無法抓緊健康? 很多症狀只能長期觀察,不能根治,這類病症的數位在過去二十年內不斷上升,令人尋思外在環境因素是否有直接關聯? 此問題十分值得思考。
  • 生物共振儀的運作
    量子物理學的研究發現 , 所有物質均具波頻和粒子這兩種共通特點 。 就是說,所有物質,包括體內細胞、病毒、病菌、花粉 、 毒素等 , 都發放電磁波頻 , 不停振盪 。 不同的物質有不同的波長和頻率,各具不同特點。 這就是所謂的「頻率模式」 。 生物光子學的基本概念是細胞與細胞間能在諧振頻率中以閃光 ( 光子輻射 ) 傳遞訊息 。 生物物理研究家認為,人體的生物實體層支配其生物化學層;換言之,人體內的物質結構支配器官結構。 生物共振儀利用人體原本生物回饋振盪頻率或體內負能量壓力物質裡接收的振盪頻率 ,透過皮膚表層的電極接收深層生物波頻資訊 ,把和諧 ( 健康 ) 及不協調 ( 受損 ) 的振盪頻率辨別分類 , 提振諧波後把 健康頻率輸送回體內 ,從而改善器官功能 。那些受損的波頻,被生物共振儀的電子鏡電路反調復原,然後重新被輸返體內有關器官,把病態負面影響減低。 整個過程精密複雜,生物共振儀可成功把損壞的波頻從有害療愈至無害,對人體精力系統有效減壓。 就如沙灘岸邊的浪濺,當浪花濺在岩石上,浪花跟下一浪相撞對沖而抵消。 此原理也應用在機艙內的降噪耳機上。 一個療程包括多項治療程式 , 有的程式利用身體的頻率 , 有的則利用物質頻率 。 經過一個客人背靠的輸出墊就可將療愈的頻率輸回體內。 過程中,生物共振儀的波頻有效提升身體器官功能的能量。
  • 共振療法耐受性
    過去三十多年來 , 生物共振療法印證無數成功個案 , 治療耐受性高 , 從嬰兒至成人 , 絕大多數都獲正面療效 。 Regumed GmbH 公司擁有風險管理程式以確保客人的安全,至今沒有任何嚴重副作用。 有些客人需要排毒療程,過程可能會引起如頭疼,輕微噁心或疲倦等短暫反應。 某些客人于接受療程後首24小時可能會略感疲倦,如這類情況出現, 只需多喝點經過濾或含微量礦物質的清水就可把毒素排出體外。 根據自然醫學 , 任何上列副作用均屬正面的痊癒反應 , 即使稍微不適 , 這反應代表身體 正在逐步修復。 療程進行間,客人不會覺得異常,但體內卻在進行修復,故此這些現象正正顯示身體已接收到生物共振儀發放的頻率 。 一般而言 , 客人需要 3 至 6 次治療才會開始顯著感覺到任何病症的改善 。
  • What is Bioresonance Therapy- BRT?
    Bioresonance Therapy is a non-invasive, gentle therapy making it suitable for children and babies and even sensitive patients. Because it uses biophysics -the physics of the body – rather than biochemistry, it does not interfere with the conventional treatments that our patients are getting from their medical doctors. In fact, patients often experience fewer side effects from their medication or see faster recovery and better results from their treatments. Patients may also find they can use less medication and herbal remedies. ​ Almost any condition will benefit from bio-resonance therapy. With bio-resonance therapy, we can deal with the real underlying causes of chronic and degenerative diseases. ​ It is non-invasive, painless, and safe to use at any age. The Bioresonance Therapy influence is observed on cellular level, as well as at the levels of any specific organ, systems of organs, and psyche. ​ The underlying theory behind this is that all matter has a resonant frequency and every cell in the body resonates at a particular frequency, similar to a tuning fork resonating to a certain frequency spectrum of acoustic wave. This process in groups of cells of an organ or system produces an electromagnetic field which has unique multiple frequency patterns. ​ In normal physiological conditions, a human body has relative synchronization of different oscillatory (wave) processes, but when pathological condition arises, disturbances of oscillatory processes are observed. This could be expressed as a disturbance of rhythms of basic physiological processes leading to disease; for example, due to predominance of excitation (pathological stress) disturbance in normal functioning of the Central Nervous System and change core/sub-core interactions. ​ Bioresonance Therapy assists the body to reduce its toxin or stress load and so helps to restore ‘self-regulation’, the body’s ability to heal and repair. It is best known for treating stress factors that may be contributing to environmental illness. Some common symptoms of environmental stressors include general aches and pains or tiredness, digestive upsets, constipation, skin blemishes or just a general feeling of “unwell or not so healthy”. ​ Many people often wonder why, despite our scientific advances and affluence, more and more people struggle with maintaining good health. Some disorders are given a ‘label’ but many can’t be treated; they are simply managed. Many of these disorders and syndromes have steadily increased over the last 20 years, which makes one wonder if there might not be an environmental factor involved.
  • How does BRT work?
    Discoveries made in quantum physics have revealed that all particles of matter share the characteristics of both waves and particles. This means that all substances – and therefore all cells in all parts of the body, as well as viruses, bacteria, pollen, toxins, etc. – emit electromagnetic waves. Depending upon their nature, all substances have their specific wavelength or frequency with highly individual characteristics. This is known as a frequency pattern. Research into biophotons is based on the assumption that cells communicate with one another by means of “flashes of light” (photon radiation) at certain ‘resonant’ frequencies. Biophysics researchers believe that the biophysical level of the body controls the biochemical level and hence the structure of matter and the structure of organs. These complex concepts have been expertly explained in layman’s terms by the UK medical journalist, Lynne McTaggart in part one of her book “The Field” which includes interviews with several of the key scientists working in biophysics. The device uses frequency patterns taken either from the body in the original biofeedback mode or from substances that are stressing the body. When from the body, it either uses electrodes making skin contact or magnetic electrodes to collect information from deeper inside the body or from on top of light clothing. It separates these waves into harmonious (healthy) and disharmonious (unhealthy) components. The healthy waves can be boosted and sent back to the body to strengthen normal functions, while the unhealthy waves are ‘inverted’ or turned upside down by an electronic mirror circuit before returning them to reduce their negative effect on the body. What actually happens is more complicated but the ‘inverted’ wave cancels the harmful wave that was stressing the body’s energetic system. You can see this effect at the beach where a wave reflected from a rock flattens the next incoming wave. The same electronic principle is used in noise-cancelling headphones for use on aircraft. A typical therapy session will combine several therapy programs, some using information from the body and some from substances. The altered information is played back into the body through a large electromagnetic mat that covers the patient’s spine. During treatment, the body is ‘stimulated’ when it resonates with the healing frequency from the device.
  • How well tolerated is BRT?
    In the vast majority of cases BRT is very well tolerated. It has been applied to a wide range of people, from babies to mature adults, for over 25 years. Regumed has risk management procedures in place to ensure patient safety and no serious side-effects have been reported. For those who require detoxification, treatment can sometimes lead to reactions for a short period of time, such as headache, slight nausea or tiredness. Some people feel tired for 24 hours after the treatment. These effects can be reduced by drinking plenty of clean, preferably filtered, or low mineral content water to help flush out the toxins. Any of the above after effects are actually seen as good signs in naturopathy (recovery reaction), even if they are a little uncomfortable, as it is evidence of a healing process. Although it may feel like nothing is happening during a treatment, things are happening on the inside and these signs are an indicator that the body is using the information received from the Bioresonance device. Usually, it takes at least 3 – 6 sessions before patients start to feel and see significance improvement to their ailments.
  • How long does a treatment session last?
    Treatment sessions vary in length depending on the therapy. On average they last about 30-60 minutes.
  • What does the customer do?
    Customer is connected to the BRT device during the treatment session and can sit or lie in a totally relaxed position.
  • What does therapy cost?
    The cost of treatment with bioresonance therapy is reasonable. It naturally depends on the intensity and number of treatment sessions required.


We are a wellness centre.  Our programs are not intended to cure or treat illnesses in the conventional sense nor intended as a substitute for professional medical consultations or services.

Our wellness consultants are here to help our clients restore “self- regulation” and their bodies’ ability to heal themselves through our integrative programs offered.

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